Securing Your Turkish Residency Card at the Local PTT Branch


Obtaining your Turkish residence permit card marks a significant milestone for expats settling in Turkey. This card is generally dispatched to your declared dwelling through the Turkish postal system, known as PTT. Circumstances may arise where it becomes necessary to personally retrieve your card from a PTT branch. This article is crafted to assist you in navigating the procedure of card collection from the PTT office, guaranteeing a seamless and hassle-free process.

Verify the Current Condition of Your Residential Permit Card.

Ensure you verify your residence permit card’s status at the e-ikamet portal ( by inputting the application number from your residence permit application, before making your way to the PTT office. If the status shows your card is prepared for pickup, then you’re cleared to move forward with the subsequent procedures.

Find Your Closest Postal Services Branch

In order to receive your Turkish residence permit card, you must go to the particular PTT office that handles mail for your documented address. Should you be uncertain of the appropriate PTT office to visit, employ the online tool provided by PTT ( to identify the closest branch.

Assemble the required paperwork.

Upon your arrival at the PTT office, it is essential to come prepared with several items: the actual passport alongside its photocopy, the filled-out application form for your residence permit or a hard copy of the appointment confirmation, and other forms of identification that might include your driver’s license or national ID card, should they be relevant.

Stop by the Postal Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) establishment when it’s open for commercial transactions.

Typically, PTT branches are open for service from 8:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the evening throughout the workweek. To smoothly obtain your residence permit card, it’s vital to swing by during these designated hours. Bear in mind, however, that PTT establishments remain shut on both weekends and official national holidays.

Display your papers and retrieve your residency card.

Upon arrival at the PTT office, make your way to the service desk and notify the attendant of your intent to retrieve your Turkish residence permit card. Furnish them with your passport, a photocopy of the relevant pages, and all other necessary paperwork. The attendant will confirm your identity and then hand over your residence permit card.

Authenticate and Confirm the Details on Your Dwelling Authorization Card.

Prior to departing from the PTT premises, it’s essential to autograph your residence permit card in the specified section. Moreover, confirm the accuracy of all details on the card, including your full name, date of birth, and the validity period of your residence permit. Should any discrepancies or mistakes come to your attention, promptly notify the PTT representatives so they can assist in rectifying the matter.

Ensure the Security of Your Residence Permit Card

Upon obtaining your residence permit card, safeguarding it becomes paramount. Opt for a cardholder or lanyard for ease of carrying, and ensure it’s stored securely within your home when not carried on your person. This card is vital as it verifies your lawful residence in Turkey, thus it’s imperative to preserve it from any form of misplacement or harm.

In summary

Retrieving your Turkish residence permit card from the PTT office can be a seamless operation if you adhere to the previously mentioned instructions. Maintain your organization and readiness to facilitate an untroubled and smooth transaction. This will free you to relish your fresh start in Turkey. Safeguard your residence permit card vigilantly and make it a constant travel companion within Turkey, as it verifies your lawful residency.