Securing a Corporate Resident Permit in Turkey

Securing a Business Residence Permit through a Business Visa in Turkey

Turkey’s economy is on the rise, presenting a wealth of prospects for overseas business founders and investors. Should you aim to launch or scale your venture within Turkey, grasping the intricacies of securing a Business Residence Permit through a Business Visa is crucial. This blog post will navigate you through the essential procedures, prerequisites, and important facets to bear in mind during the application for such a visa and residence permit.

Deciphering the Intricacies of the Business Visa.

The Business Visa serves those international visitors aiming to engage in business activities like conferences, meetings, or setup of a company in Turkey. Typically, this visa grants up to 90 days of stay within any 180-day timeframe. It’s crucial to understand that this visa category doesn’t allow for long-term employment or residency in the country.

Securing a Commercial Travel Permit

Embark on your journey to obtain a Business Visa by adhering to these guidelines:

a. Begin by assembling all required documentation, which encompasses:
– A current passport with a minimum of six months remaining before expiration
– A duly completed application for a visa
– A pair of recent biometric photographs, snapped within the past six months
– Evidence of adequate finances to support your visit to Turkey
– An invitation for business purposes, or confirmation of engagement in business endeavors within Turkey, such as meetings or conference invitations
– Confirmation of your lodging and itinerary

b. Proceed to lodge your visa application at the Turkish consulate or embassy closest to you.

c. Ensure payment of the visa application charge.

d. Anticipate the visa determination, which usually concludes in a span of 2 to 3 weeks. Upon approval, your passport will be adorned with the visa sticker.

Securing a Permit for Corporate Residency

Upon arriving in Turkey with your Business Visa and electing to start a business or make investments, it’s essential to obtain a Business Residence Permit. Here’s how you can accomplish that:

a. Access the e-Residence platform (, fill in the online form for the Business Residence Permit, and schedule your appointment.

b. Gather all necessary paperwork, which comprises:
– The application form for a residence permit
– A current passport plus a copy of your Business Visa
– Four recent biometric photographs
– Valid health insurance for Turkey
– Evidence of adequate funds for living and business activities
– A housing contract or accommodation proof in Turkey
– Payment receipts for tax and card fees associated with the residence permit
– Company documents such as the tax plate, operational licensing, registry in the official trade gazette, endorsement circulars, and a company-headed letter detailing the foreign national’s business involvement in Turkey.

c. Show up at your booked meeting armed with the aforementioned documents to proceed with your application.

Key Factors to Keep in Mind

When seeking a Business Residence Permit via a Business Visa, remember these essential factors: The permit authorizes you to stay in Turkey with the intent of engaging in business affairs, yet it does not grant you the right to be employed by a different company. Typically, a first-time Business Residence Permit is granted for a duration of one year and may be renewed contingent on your business’s achievements and progress. Furthermore, in the event you intend to recruit staff for your enterprise, it’s crucial to adhere to the labor laws and standards set forth by Turkey.


Adhere to the outlined procedures to seamlessly acquire a Business Residence Permit via a Turkish Business Visa. Meticulous document preparation and precise adherence to the application protocol will facilitate a hassle-free journey. Here’s to your commercial success and a flourishing journey ahead in Turkey.