How to give Power of Attorney to a Lawyer in Türkiye

A power of attorney is a legal document that gives another person the authority to make decisions on your behalf. As a foreigner in Turkey, you may want to give someone power of attorney for various reasons, such as managing your property, carrying out business transactions or taking care of legal matters. To give a power of attorney in Turkey, you will need to work with a lawyer who is familiar with Turkish law and who can help you draft the necessary documents. The power of attorney should include specific information about the powers granted and the term of authority. Also, it is important to have the power of attorney authenticated and translated into Turkish for it to be legally valid.

To give power of attorney to a Turkish notary, the foreigner must provide the notary with identification documents such as a passport and must declare in the presence of the translator that he grants the lawyer the power of attorney. The notary will then be a witness and authenticate the document. It is important to keep in mind that giving power of attorney to a lawyer at a Turkish notary may require additional steps, such as translating the document into Turkish. The attorney should be able to help with these steps and ensure that the power of attorney is legally valid and binding. Also, since the notary acts as a witness to the power of attorney, the person granting the power of attorney should be able to communicate clearly with the notary and the translator. The role of the translator is essential here to overcome communication barriers and ensure that declarations of will and power of attorney are clearly understood by the parties involved.

When choosing a lawyer in Turkey, it is important to consider the lawyer’s experience, qualifications and reputation. You can ask friends or colleagues for recommendations, or contact the local bar association for a list of lawyers who specialize in the area of law you need help with. It’s also a good idea to meet with several attorneys before making a decision and ask about their fees and services. The reasons why a foreigner might need a lawyer in Turkey can be various, including: Buying or selling real estate in Turkey Setting up or incorporating a business in Turkey Managing disputes or disputes legal proceedings Drafting contracts or agreements Navigating the Turkish legal system and representation in court Providing legal advice and guidance on various legal matters The Turkish legal system is based on civil law, it is also a mix of continental European and common law legal systems. It has passed various laws consistent with European Union law, in addition to its own local laws, regulations and codes.